Garden tour

Event Details

Sep 01 2024
10:00 - 11:30


Enjoy a delightful, informative and enchanting tour of Yūgen Forest’s “the Key Flower” garden farm. Our very own regenerative farmer Rick will take you through his green, sustainable and regenerative vegetable garden. Here Rick will tell you all about the different crops, herbs, wildflowers and most importantly his soul mission; gardening in a regenerative way. Enriching the earth and leaving it more beautiful than we get it.

In addition to the garden, there is, of course, a visit to the greenhouses, the deep-mulch garden, the chicken-compost garden and the no-dig garden. Rick takes you into his world and is ready for all your questions, tips and lessons learned.

The tour will last about 1.5 hours including a nice cup of coffee or tea.

Sign up quickly via the sign-up button and we’ll see you soon!